Tissue Homogenisers, PTFE Pestle ‘RELIGLAS’, having stainless steel rod, replaceable vessel of Borosilicate glass to prepare tissue homogenates.
Cat. No. | Capacity (ml) |
08.785.01 | 5 |
08.785.03 | 10 |
08.785.05 | 30 |
08.785.07 | 50 |
08.785.09 | 100 |
Spare Vessle for Tissue Homogenisers, ‘RELIGLAS’, Borosilicate Glass.
Cat. No. | Capacity (ml) |
08.787.01 | 5 |
08.787.03 | 10 |
08.787.05 | 30 |
08.787.07 | 50 |
08.787.09 | 100 |
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